We're Not Just Another Coaching Co.

We're a community of coaches and hosts building a platform designed to create Airbnb success. We educate for free to help you live out your bnb dreams.

Over 2,000 people worldwide rely on STRU

In this day and age of information, it's not more of it you need. That's why so many have come to depend on us. We provide our students with the knowledge we actually used to start and scale a 7 figure empire. Through tools, tech, and training we can help even the newest person accomplish the 7 figure goal in 12-24 months regardless of money or credit.


7 Figures & Beyond

In 2017, we made a shift... we were tired of the rat race and always searching for another way to get ahead. So, when we saw a way to finally gain control, we took our shot and our Airbnb venture began.

Fast forward 5+ years and hundreds of thousands each month in revenue later, and here we are.... focused on adding to our ever-growing portfolio across the west coast and south and, more importantly, helping hundreds of people just like you get their successful start in the industry.

We've answered the biggest questions and have figured out how to build and automate an incredible Airbnb™ empire.

Bnb Empire Secrets Revealed

95% of hosts never grow past 1 unit... which means the information inside our programs is incredibly rare and hard to find.

What we have learned about acquisition, optimization, automation, and long-term sustainability will be crucial for your success.

Don't get swept up in the hype of the gurus out there... most have not accomplished anything that they're trying to teach and, in many cases, are encouraging you to do things that will put you out of business.

If you want to build your foundation for success quickly, profitably, and with integrity our system will get it done.

Hungry to build an Empire? There are a few things you need to know...

If you can't do all of the following, you need help on your journey:

  • Form an entity and build business credit

  • perform market research on the fly

  • find profitable deals (At least $2k/mo) and Negotiate to earn free rent and other perks

  • Stage a property and add the comforts of home to Maximize Revenue & guarantee good reviews

  • create, optimize, and sync listings on multiple platforms

  • establish dynamic pricing tools to maintain booking rates and profitability

  • build a network and automate properties with people, software, and tech

  • Execute sustainable business practices to sustain growth

  • Form an entity and build business credit

  • perform market research on the fly

  • find profitable deals (At least $2k/mo) and Negotiate to earn free rent and other perks

  • Stage a property and add the comforts of home to Maximize Revenue & guarantee good reviews

  • create, optimize, and sync listings on multiple platforms

  • establish dynamic pricing tools to maintain booking rates and profitability

  • build a network and automate properties with people, software, and tech

  • Execute sustainable business practices to sustain growth

In the next 30 days

you can...

  1. Land your first unit...

  2. Gain more control in your life...

  3. Be in a position to scale to 10 units this year.


Make Money in the Bnb Industry Without Cash or Credit

Airbnb Academy

Get ready for an experience like no other. Not only will you get access to the live coaching calls to become a bnb pro, but you'll also have full access to lessons and downloads (lease agreement, lease addendum, hosting agreement, etc), networking groups, and more for free! Spots limited.

7 Figure Mentorship

The creme de la creme. Our industry leading 1 on 1 mentorship program will make you an expert and guarantee success as we find and automate properties for you. Get in the hip pocket of a 7 figure Airbnb™ earner with a 1 on 1 boot camp and become a coach as well to build another income stream.

Airbnb Ebook

Get your copy of the hottest Airbnb™ book on the market today. 160 pages of 🔥 designed to give you the blueprint for success no matter your situation.

Dynamic Curriculum

The course of all courses. Over 7 hours of recorded video lessons + access to our full Resource Library! Learn how to build a 7 figure Airbnb™ empire in as little as 12 months.

7 Figure Airbnb™ Mentorship

The creme de la creme. Our industry leading 6 month 1 on 1 mentorship program will make you an expert. Get in the hip pocket of a 7 figure Airbnb™ earner and also gain access to every other resource from STRU.


Get your copy of the hottest Airbnb™ book on the market today. 160 pages of 🔥 designed to give you the blueprint for success.

Business Credit Blueprint

Need to learn how to leverage business credit to fund your next acquisition? Look no further! This resource will help you gain access to $10,000+ quickly.

$17/mo Community Access

Want access to live weekly Q&A from a 7 figure Airbnb™ earner? This is an opportunity too good to pass up. Join the conversation on our private app now!

Resource Library

Just need docs?? Get access to over 45 of them including our corporate lease, lease addendum, investor agreement, management agreement, rental agreement, and more!

Business Credit Blueprint

Need to learn how to leverage business credit to fund your next acquisition? Look no further! This resource will help you gain access to $10,000+ quickly.

$17/mo Discord Access

Want access to live weekly Q&A from a 7 figure Airbnb™ earner? This is an opportunity too good to pass up. Join the conversation on our private Discord now!

Resource Library

Just need docs?? Get access to over 45 of them including our corporate lease, lease addendum, investor agreement, management agreement, rental agreement, and more!

During our programs you'll learn to...


Establish an LLC, EIN, DUNS, domain, website, and email. Plus, you'll know how to leverage business credit to fund your venture.


Find profitable units, analyzing deals, units to look for, what to look for in a good market, and how to discover new markets.


Get full approval from property owners and managers, get free rents, and avoid paying extra fees at the start of a contract.... all legally.


Create proper expectations with guests and provide top-notch support at scale to build a customer service empire.


Boost and optimize revenues for each unit while keeping expenses as low as possible, all while mitigating risk with refunds through our exclusive techniques.


Leverage revenues and business credit to acquire more properties quickly once your foundation is established. Grow to 20+ units in as little as 12 months..


Maintain 50+% profit margins by leveraging over half a decade's worth of Airbnb experience. Use the software, tech, and networks to gain peace of mind and freedom with your empire.


Never lose units with avoidable mistakes. Use our proven methods to continue growing your business and maintaining solid landlord/management relationships the entire time.

You should work with us if...

  • You're hungry to get involved in the Airbnb™ industry but just don't know where to start.

  • You're coachable and ready to take action.

  • You value the opportunities that come with mentorship & coaching.

  • You will execute a proven game plan.

You should NOT work with us if...

  • You're looking for a get rich quick scheme or don't want to put in effort.

  • You're not coachable or willing to learn a system that works.

  • you're not actually ready to act.

  • you don't take ownership over your own actions (aKA - play the blame game and make excuses).

At STRU, we pride ourselves in being different. What does that mean? We're not going to convince you to work with us. In fact, if someone is not hungry we'd rather not waste the resources. See here's the thing... we already know what we're doing and we add property after property and have helped thousands already. Yes, we have a mission; to help 1 million families... but, if you're not teachable or truly valuing mentorship and coaching, we're not going to include you and yours as part of the 1 million.

Harsh? Maybe... but then again, maybe not.

We only want to invest resources into the people that will take action and will execute a proven game plan.

So if that's you... let's go 💪🏼!

Industry-Leading Programs

Pricing Subject To Change. Act Now.

Airbnb Academy

Learn How To Build Your Empire For Free


  • 7+ hours of video course content teaching you how to start, grow and automate your 7-figure Airbnb business.

  • Get lifetime access to our private community, where we perform live trainings.

  • Access to our lease agreement that we personally use for every single family unit we lease.

  • Access to our lease addendum that can be added to any lease agreement so you can run your business legally with full landlord/management support.

  • Learn how we utilize business credit to acquire and stage properties without coming out of pocket.

  • Learn how we leverage our expertise to negotiate up to 3 months of free rent.

  • Access our full sales deck so you can message/email/call landlords and managers with confidence.

  • Hiring how-to's for all the staff you need to run your Airbnb business.

  • Automated messaging templates and house manual template to allow you to work less than 5 hours/week.

  • The exact rental agreement we have our guests sign to mitigate risk.

  • The exact financial model we use to project profitability and analyze deals.

  • Get access to over 10 hours of recorded Q&As to answer more questions you may have.

  • Access to the exact hosting agreement we use to pick up FREE properties.

7 Figure Airbnb™ Mentorship

1 On 1 Program (As low as $340/mo with Affirm)

1-5 Properties Guaranteed

  • Includes all Airbnb Academy resources.

+ PLUS +

  • Access to our acquisition and design teams to find and optimize properties and listings for you.

  • Unlimited text/phone communication with Josh (founder of STRU) for entire program.

  • Boot Camp with 1 on 1 video calls & screen shares with our team to perform market research, analyze deals, negotiate with landlords, optimize listings, and automate properties.

  • Custom pricing game plan set up with for each property.

  • The ability to leverage our company and credibility when negotiating deals.

  • Closer assistance when speaking with a landlord to lock in each property.

  • 6-12 months of hands on support.

  • The opportunity to earn $60/hr as a certified coach with STRU, helping the newest students learn and succeed.

Here's What You Can Expect From Us.

Your Title Here

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Your Title Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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Your Title Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

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Our Guarantee To You

We promise you that if you are fully teachable and take action, you will see results. If you join a program and you don't get your first unit in 6 months after taking action, we will personally work with you to help you get your first unit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon and for how long will I have access to what I purchase?

All Dynamic Curriculum purchases come with lifetime access and our mentorship program includes lifetime access to tools and 6-12 months of support."

How do I access resources?

As soon as you make a purchase check your email. All of our materials are easily accessible online via computer or mobile device via our 7 Figure System.

How many people succeed with your programs and systems?

100%. The truth is everyone who does what we teach succeeds. The biggest question, however, is whether or not you would plug in and do exactly what's taught. The programs and resources we provide share the exact strategies we use.

What is the time frame for the mentorship program?

We have two tiers for our mentorship program. In the highest level, we help you hands on with the acquisition and automation of 3 properties. For the lower level we help with 1. However, if you are looking at Hosting & Co-Hosting we will help for 6 months for the top tier and 2 months for the lower tier. You will also have lifetime access to training resources and 6 months of our software, tools, and tech included.

Office: 344 Main St #201, Franklin, TN 37064

STRU | Copyright 2024 | All rights reserved

Privacy Policy - Terms & Conditions - Disclaimer

Earnings Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business or investment, there is a potential risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee you will earn more money or become wealthy.

We make every effort to ensure we accurately represent these products and services and their potential benefits for your business and life. Any earnings, income and/or success statements made by our company and its customers are strictly related to those respective individuals. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income or generate similar success and you accept the risk that the level of success differs by individual. We have no idea what you will do with the insight and perspective you gain and therefore cannot assure you of any success. You are not guaranteed any success just by partaking in any product or service from The 30 Day STR Blueprint and STRU.

As with any business or person, your results may vary, and will be based on individual capacity, experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may or may not experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which will not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.

There is no assurance that examples of past earnings or success can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products, and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business, finances, or relationships that are directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services.

This course/group is in no way endorsed by Facebook or Instagram and is not intended to be implied to be endorsed by them. Nothing mentioned in this product or service is in any way illegal. We cannot guarantee that Facebook or Instagram will not delete, restrict, ban, or close your account for your activity on their sites. Facebook and Instagram may at any point make changes to their service, posting format, or protocol that could potentially render some information contained in a product or service obsolete. We have no knowledge of any proposed changes that could affect the usefulness of any product or service.

The information contained in any course or group is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal, financial, or otherwise professional advice.

STRU does not offer refunds on canceled or unused programs, courses, or services due to their proprietary and digital nature. Any and all materials received by any student/client/customer are meant for that person only and are non-transferrable. Upon purchase, you accept these terms.

STRU is not an accredited university nor makes any claim to be or act as such.