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The strange but true let's just wing it story that helped a worn out entrepreneur move from broke and frustrated to free with choices because of this simple airbnb secret he accidentally discovered...

"they laughed when i said i was going to build an airbnb empire without owning properties...

they STOPPED laughing once they realized I ran over $4 million in revenue and now get properties for free."

The strange but true let's just wing it story that helped a worn out entrepreneur move from broke and frustrated to free with choices because of this simple airbnb secret he accidentally discovered...

"they laughed when i said i was going to build an airbnb empire without owning properties...

they STOPPED laughing once they realized I ran over $4 million in revenue and now get properties for free."

Order Your Copy (Pay What You want) &

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newly revised with 160 pages of Airbnb™ Expertise

- all the secrets are now revealed -

- Exact Steps For 2024 -

yours for $29 As little as $1!

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"160 pages of airbnb expertise - all the secrets are now Revealed - To crush it in a crazy economy"

- Exact Steps For 2024 -

yours for $29

As little as $1!

Prosper With a $100k/yr Airbnb income

Prosper With a $100k/yr Airbnb income

Here's Our Agreement:

You can pay whatever amount you want for my NEW Book "The 30 Day STR Blueprint" ($1 to $99).

❌ NO Strings Attached

❌ NO Pressure ❌ NO BULL

Pay whatever amount you can afford. I am good with whatever you decide.

I TRUST you to be fair.

Here's Our Agreement:

You can pay whatever amount you want for my NEW Book "The 30 Day STR Blueprint" ($1 to $99).

❌ NO Strings Attached

❌ NO Pressure ❌ NO BULL

Pay whatever amount you can afford. I am good with whatever you decide.

I TRUST you to be fair.


The Ultimate Airbnb Property Checklist


when you purchase today!

This 18-page PDF shows exactly what you need to get started and crush it each month:

  • Needed Items List Everything you need to start your airbnb; from the kitchen to any outdoor areas.

  • Check In Checklist Guarantee quality for each and every guest

  • Monthly Quality Assurance Maintain the highest standards with your properties long term

  • Action Items Streamline communication with cleaners and managers

Normally $47

It's included for you at no extra cost.



Building a hosting enterprise may be the perfect avenue for you... with this report you'll see how to get started.


This case study reveals how we get paid even before hosting a property! That's right... you can earn money upfront without even having to invest into properties.


This mini course teaches you how to start and scale by defining the right path for you first (buy, lease, host/co-host). Once you know which path is best you can move with confidence.


Here’s The Foolproof 6 Figure Game Plan Inside The Blueprint:

Below is the exact Table of Contents from the book.

Why do we share it?

So you know exactly what you're getting...

A legit guidebook for your new journey.

Tired of wasting anywhere from $4-$29 on books and ebooks that don't deliver?

Well I totally understand.

The first ebook I ever purchased was $10 (written by someone I won't mention) and it was a whopping 12 pages...

That literally explained the same exact thing I just heard him say in a 1 minute video.

Let's just way...

It was a waste.

In fact, I've even purchased some of the other Airbnb books out there to see what what kind of value was being shared.

Let's just say... you won't be disappointed with the Blueprint.

I went all out to share:

  • Exactly How To Find Properties No matter your financial situation you can get properties. I show you how and exactly where to look.

  • How To Start Earning Without Investing A Dime One of the best kept secrets of the industry! I'll show you how to break the glass ceiling that holds so many back.

  • Where To Find Property Managers And Cleaners How do you find people to run properties for you? I'm going to show you the exact steps we use to acquire and automate properties all over the country.

  • How To Get Them At A Distance What systems and processes can you utilize to acquire at a distance? If you want the answer you'll have to dive in.

  • Why New Regulations Don't Need To Stop You Don't let fear hold you back. If you're knowledgeable you'll be able to win no matter the economy or market.

  • How To Build Cash Flow Like A Pro You can easily grow to 10+ units... fast! Inside, I'll show you how.

Just Take A Look Inside And You'll See The Value!



Order Your Copy (Pay What You want) & Get 4 free bonuses ($99 Total Value)

Here’s The Foolproof 6 Figure Game Plan Inside The Blueprint:

Below is the exact Table of Contents from the book.

Why do we share it?

So you know exactly what you're getting...

A legit guidebook for your new journey.

Tired of wasting anywhere from $4-$29 on books and ebooks that don't deliver?

Well I totally understand.

The first ebook I ever purchased was $10 (written by someone I won't mention) and it was a whopping 12 pages...

That literally explained the same exact thing I just heard him say in a 1 minute video.

Let's just way...

It was a waste.

In fact, I've even purchased some of the other Airbnb books out there to see what what kind of value was being shared.

Let's just say... you won't be disappointed with the Blueprint.

I went all out to share:

  • Exactly How To Find Properties No matter your financial situation you can get properties. I show you how and exactly where to look.

  • How To Start Earning Without Investing A Dime One of the best kept secrets of the industry! I'll show you how to break the glass ceiling that holds so many back.

  • Where To Find Property Managers And Cleaners How do you find people to run properties for you? I'm going to show you the exact steps we use to acquire and automate properties all over the country.

  • How To Get Them At A Distance What systems and processes can you utilize to acquire at a distance? If you want the answer you'll have to dive in.

  • Why New Regulations Don't Need To Stop You Don't let fear hold you back. If you're knowledgeable you'll be able to win no matter the economy or market.

  • How To Build Cash Flow Like A Pro You can easily grow to 10+ units... fast! Inside, I'll show you how.

Just Take A Look Inside And You'll See The Value!

"taking the world by storm, the blueprint is power-packed And will show the newest entrepreneur how to guarantee their airbnb success"

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"taking the world by storm, the blueprint is power-packed with pure awesomeness"


And Here’s A Brief Outline Of What You'll Learn In The Blueprint...

  • WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of Acquiring A Property That Will Lose Money The number one mistake people are making is acquiring properties that won't cash flow! Here's how to avoid that.

  • The Proven 3 Phase Formula Our Students Have Used To Acquire & Automate Hundreds Of Properties We’ll reveal the bullet proof strategies we've used to acquire & automate properties for ourselves and our clients consistently for the past 7+ years.

  • The Devastating Listing Mistakes Made By Virtually All Beginners Nearly every person looking to get involved with short term rentals makes these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them! You need to stand out to get traction.

  • 3 Simple Tips To Get Your First Property Live In 2 Weeks Crazy but true! These strategies can help you make thousands faster and will help you scale to 10+ properties in less than 12 months.

  • The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Airbnb™ Industry Many people still believe these old wives-tales and dirty lies told by the STR industry – find out what they are so you can protect yourself.

And Here's What Some Others Got Out of working with me...

"Thanks so much Josh & LeLiana for putting this all together and sharing it with all of us."

Mellisa V

"stru really helps map the pathway to success. A few weeks in and I'm already seeing positive results!"

Johnny P

"Working with Josh is working with the real deal. This is legit! Thanks Josh!"

Mary N

"Thanks to Joshua for the organized, detailed, and precise route & mainly for sharing the knowledge!!"

Que H

Here's What They Got Out of it...

"Thanks so much Josh & LeLiana for putting this all together and sharing it with all of us."

Mellisa V

"stru really helps map the pathway to success. A few weeks in and I'm already seeing positive results!"

Johnny P

"Working with Josh is working with the real deal. This is legit! Thanks Josh!"

Mary N

"Thanks to Joshua for the organized, detailed, and precise route & mainly for sharing the knowledge!!"

Que H

"possibly the most groundbreaking Airbnb book ever written for the general public..."

"possibly the most groundbreaking Airbnb book ever written for the general public..."

Order Your Copy (Pay What You want) & Get 4 free bonuses ($99 Total Value)

From The Desk Of Joshua Sarge

Franklin, TN

Blessed & Unstoppable.

From The Desk Of Joshua Sarge

Franklin, TN

Blessed & Unstoppable.

Dear New-to-the-game Airbnber,

If you want to create a torrential downpour of success that transforms your life...

And literally gives you all the time & money freedom you could ever ask for...

Then this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

Here's why:

My name is Joshua Sarge and five short years ago I was frustrated and struggling.

With nothing more than a dream and a vision, my wife and I were on the hunt for something more...

Why do I share?

Because I know exactly how you feel.. I mean I felt the same way years ago; frustrated with the position I was in but at the same time not sure how to get out of it.

Hey maybe that's not you.

But like I said, it definitely WAS me.

I would look over here on social and see success and look over there on social and see even more success.

What was wrong with me though?! Why was everyone so successful? Why were they crushing it with this thing or that thing. Why did it feel like I was just spinning my wheels, time and time again?

And mind you, this wasn't a one-time feeling... it was a weekly feeling... maybe almost even daily.

Perhaps you know what I mean.. perhaps not.

Now even though, at the time, I didn't know how, I promised to get out of the rut. I promised myself and my wife that bigger things were coming and we would do whatever it took to live it out.

You see, we had some success in our past. In fact, at that time we pretty successful in our own right anyway, but we both always felt we were made for more.

It's amazing what happens when you truly admit you're ready, willing, and able...

Because it was shortly after that time that my wife and I got introduced to a young couple that had started managing short term rentals for family.

They began sharing with us what they had going on and how lucrative it was for them and their family.

We were obviously intrigued (to say the least).

So what did we do? We asked questions... tons of them.

How did you do that? How did that work out? What happens when this occurs? What about this season or what about that season? How many of this or how many of that? 

...you get the idea.

And that's when we had the epiphany of all epiphanies...

My wife looked at me and said, "Babe, we just have to jump in."

So that's what we did...

Well, because she was right.

It's funny how sometimes you pray, hope, and wish upon a star for some way to win, but then when there's an opportunity right in front of you you hesitate (probably from building a habit around listening to doubters).

Either way, we started our journey.

Armed with a paint brush, a steamer, and some good tips and pointers from friends, our great exodus to the promised land had begun.

At that time, for the most part, we were simply going with the flow, trying to figure things out.

And because we were learning as we went, that was basically the best we could do.

We made mistakes... a ton of mistakes.

And those mistakes definitely cost us, both time and money.

We made mistakes in all facets of the process of getting properties, upgrading properties, listing properties, managing properties... 

You name it, we did it!

But in the end, I'm thankful, because they were my mistakes...

and those mistakes allowed us to develop the most incredible system to help others win.

Sure, we wasted (or so it seemed at the time) thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours.

But those "wasted" resources on my end will prove to be your greatest asset.

We began cash flowing monthly... more than we even thought we could initially.

It was definitely paying off in huge dividends.

I remember thinking to myself, "It's really working!"

And that's a pretty cool thing.

So dozens of properties later, and hundreds of clients later, I'm able to sit back and reflect on the journey thus far.

It's been a crazy ride and it's absolutely just getting started.

But my perspective has definitely shifted 100%.

It's not about me anymore. It's not just about my wife and kids anymore...

It's also about you and your family now.

It's about helping as many people as we possibly can achieve more in their lives.

But don't just take my word for it...

Let's share what some of our students have to say...



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We've answered the biggest questions and have figured out how to build and automate an incredible Airbnb™ empire.

Here's what you need to know:











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Finally...A Quick & Easy Way For You To Build A 6 Figure Income With Airbnb!

Are you sick of wasting hours online "researching"? Tired of spinning your wheels? And looking for ways to start making money faster? At STRU, we help people just like you make money with Airbnb™ properties in less than 30 days.

In the last 5+ years we’ve shown thousands of brand new investors how to easily increase their income $10k+/mo without years of hard work and trial and error. We’ve achieved impressive results for ourselves and our clients, and we can do the same for you too.

Simply Follow Our Blueprint To Success & You’ll Avoid 6-12-24 Months Of Wasted Time!

Cash flowing with Airbnb™ can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which makes them take far longer than they need to. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step blueprint and you’ll see money coming in in no time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you'll also make 40-100% more money than you would ever be able to achieve on your own.

Save Yourself Tens Of Thousands In Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Blueprint To Build Your Airbnb™ Empire

Why waste the next 6-24 months struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? You can save this time and get a much better result when you get our expert advice and use our blueprint to get started the right way. It’s like a shortcut which saves time, money, and stress.

Are you ready to add an extra $10k/mo in the shortest time possible? To have more money without years of hard work it usually takes? Then claim your copy of The Blueprint while you still can.

Here’s Another Taste Of What You Can Expect When You Read The Blueprint

  • The Cold Hard TRUTH About The Airbnb™ Industry

    We reveal what’s REALLY happening behind the scenes and why it seems so much harder to win in the current marketplace.

  • 4 Little Tips to Help You Acquire Properties Quickly & Easily

    We’ve used these tips and tricks to accelerate the results for our clients so they get properties much faster – now YOU can do the same!

  • Why Buying Isn’t Always The Best Choice For You

    Owning properties is always the best right? Wrong! We’ll show you why there’s a lot more to it than first meets the eye and what you can do instead.

  • The Vital Key To $10k/mo As Fast As Possible

    This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to scaling quickly and without it you are doomed to failure – make sure you have this at all costs!

  • What To Never Do When Leasing

    Please, never EVER do this on your journey to 6 figures (unless you want to stay at one unit for YEARS longer than you need to).

Claim Your Copy Of The Hottest & Most impactful Book In The Airbnb™ Industry

And now you can get it for as little as $1

This 160-page read will blow your mind and will give you the exact steps you can take, based on your specific situation, to achieve success in weeks with Airbnb™ properties.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside...

  • How to get your first property in days without needing to own properties or use credit.

  • The exact process we’ve used to take hundreds of clients from brand new to having multiple properties.

  • The biggest problem people come to us with which keeps them frustrated and struggling – no matter what else they do!

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Some of us have started to believe it's nearly impossible to create real success. Unfortunately, this belief becomes as real to us as every other aspect of life... in fact, I would even say, for some, it has become the only truth in their lives. 

I believe The 30 Day STR Blueprint will dispel the myth for you. In fact, that's why I wrote it.

It's my goal to help as many people as possible achieve victory in real estate and life, in general, because it's too easy to believe lies about ourselves or the ventures we want to pursue.

So go ahead and get your copy today because...


meet the architect behind STRU

Joshua Sarge

Airbnb Specialist and Prosperity Coach, Joshua continues fighting the good fight of helping winners win. Through 1-on-1 and group coaching, seminars, and courses, he pushes every day to share success principles with those hungry for a better life.

STRU | Copyright 2024 | All rights reserved

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